Briggs Farm
Narragansett, Rhode Island
Briggs Farm Improvement Association
Marina Fees

Yearly Association Membership

Additional Fees
Kayak Rack $125
Pram  $125
Canoe $125
Kayak Rack, Pram, Canoe Wait-List Fee (non-refundable) $25
Boat-Ramp-Usage $50

  Boat Slip Fees:
Includes Yearly Association
Dock initiation fee: $1,200
Boat up to 20' $600
Dock Installation Non-participation Fee (Spring) $50
Dock Removal Non-participation Fee (Fall) $50
Dock Waiting List Fee
  Maximum Boat Length: 20'
(as determined by length indicated on the Vessel Registration Document)

Seasonal storage of kayaks, canoes, and prams is only available to Association Members in good standing.
Only Association Members may be on the wait-list for a dock slip or kayak storage. Members must renew by April 30 each year to remain on the wait-list.
‘Time is of the essence’ with regard to Annual Membership Renewal.  New slots as assigned after April 30th and only Current Members on the Wait-list are Considered when assignments are made.