Briggs Farm
Narragansett, Rhode Island
Revised:  May 21, 2016
If there is a hurricane…
We want you to remain safe!
Hurricane Safety Information
What should we do BEFORE it  starts to blow??
By starting early, you’ll avoid any rush at home supply and grocery stores that typically get crowded when Hurricane Warnings are issued.
Here are six basics you should stock for your home:
First Aid supplies
Clothing & Bedding
Tools & Emergency Supplies
Special items 

Keep the items that you would most likely need during an evacuation in an easy-to-carry container, such as a large, covered trash container, a camping backpack, or a duffle bag.

To make your preparations easier, you may download the checklists that are included with each category and use them as you shop and store your supplies.
Create a family disaster plan.
Identify ahead of time where you will go if you’re told to evacuate. The best choice is a friend’s home outside of your area, or at one that’s well away from coastal areas. Other options include a motel or an approved hurricane shelter (remember that during an evacuation, primary and many secondary roads may be clogged with traffic, making leaving very difficult - allow ample time to get out). Have local and regional road maps available in the event you must travel unfamiliar roads and keep handy the phone numbers of the places to which you intend to evacuate.

Ask an out-of-state friend to be your "family contact."
After a disaster, it's often easier to call long distance. Other family members should call this person and tell them where they are. Everyone must know your contact's phone number. Discuss what to do in an evacuation. Plan how to take care of your pets.

Meet with your family
...and discuss why you need to prepare for a disaster. Explain the dangers of fire, severe weather, and earthquakes to children. Plan to share responsibilities and work together as a team. Discuss the types of disasters that are most likely to happen. Explain what to do in each case.

Locate important papers and documents
... and have them ready to take with you should you need to evacuate, or protected in plastic storage bags if you’re remaining in your home. Driver’s licenses, Social Security cards, proof of residence, insurance policies, wills, deeds, birth and marriage certificates, tax records and photos of your home (exterior and interior) should be included.

Check your hurricane supplies
...from last season and replace what’s needed!
Click here for a checklist to help you get started!!!
Click Here for Narragansett Evacuation Map