The Briggs Farm Improvement Association (The Association) owns, maintains and manages The Briggs Farm Marina which includes: a Beach and Picnic area, Kayak/Pram/Canoe Storage Areas, a Marina and a Boat Ramp. These facilities are for the exclusive use by Briggs Farm Association Members, and limited accompanied guests. Members and Guests must abide the Beach Rules and Regulations and the Marina Rules and Regulations (click to view).
The Docks in The Marinaare for the exclusive use of Boat Owners who have been assigned a boat slip. These Slips are assigned by The Association to Briggs Farm Association Members on a first-come, first-served basis. Currently there is a Wait List for a Boat Slip (Click for Dock Waiting List). Boat owners pay an annual fee for the use of the Docks, and must agree to abide by the Marina Rules set by The Association.
There are numerous Kayak Racks in the Beach/Picnic Area. In addition there is a area designated for Canoe and Pram Storage. These ‘Racks and Storage Spaces’ are assigned by The Association on a first-come, first-served basis to Members in Good Standing that have submitted an application. Applicants may request a maximum of two (2) Kayak Racks or one (1) Parm/Canoe Storage Space. Currently there is a waiting list (Click for Kayak Waiting List). Kayak Rack or Pram/Canoe Storage Space assignees pay an annual fee and must agree to abide by the Beach and Marina Rules.
The Beach and Picnic area includes several Picnic Tables, a Bocce Court, a Horse Shoe Court, a Porta-Potty and a cold-water outdoor shower. Members are welcome to bring their guests to the Beach and Picnic area however parties in excess of 10 people must reserve the Beach/Picnic area in advance. Reservations are granted on a first-come, first-served basis (see Beach Reservation Application).